Monday, March 31, 2008


I just wanted to write a quick post about my favorite little guy. He has been so good and sweet lately (for the most part) and I just wanted to give him credit for being such a good brother to Kamree. They usually get along pretty well, but when they do fight, he is always the one to compromise or give up what he wants to make Kamree happy. He'll say things like "Ok Kamree if you really want it, or I love you Kamree, you can have it." He did it today once again and I asked him why and he said it's because he loves Kamree. I feel bad sometimes he doesn't get what he wants, but every once in a while Kamree gets the occasional push or gets hit to make up for it. Parker has also been into jokes lately...not any that make sense but the more crazy the better for him. He absolutely cracks himself up with his priceless same giggle he has had since he was a baby. One more quick note....Parker passed off his First Article of Faith at church yesterday and he was so proud. It's cute to ask him what the First Article of Faith is-sometimes you get the First Article of Faith and sometimes you get the Pledge of Allegiance, something he has learned thanks to preschool. He's growing up so fast and we are trying to take it all in. We love you little buddy!!!!


Katie said...

What a darling family! I can't believe you have two kids and one on the way! My how time flys! Congratulations!

A said...

oh how stinkin cute! kids really memorize article's of faith that young! wow~
he is such a great older brother and a good example to ellie too.
so... how did you type first and then add the pic? i can never get it to do that for me!

Jill said...

Makes me want to cry because he is so sweet! Love the little guy and can't wait for another sleep over at my house!

The Mecham Family said...

Yea! New posts!! Easter looked like lots of fun at your house! Your family is too cute! and Ellie is adorable too! :)
So you are thinking of maybe naming him Easton!? I can only say good things about the name, obviously! :) We love our little Easton..he's a handful but so funny and cute! It must be the name! ;)

Anne said...

Wow Steph, I am so impressed. The 1st article of faith, that's great! We could stand a little, ok a lot, of practice in that area. What a great idea, we'll have to follow suit and start practicing.

Parker is such a good kid, he's a great big brother too. He's so fun to have over.

Jill said...

Steph, tell Ash that I still can't get on to see her blog...........