Saturday, April 5, 2008

Isn't it Ironic

Brandon and I are leaving tomorrow for a kid-free trip to Las Vegas. We decided that we needed some time to relax and get away before the new baby comes. We will only be gone for 5 days but we have been looking so forward to going. We took the kids up to my parents house tonight so they can watch the kids. Parker and Kamree were so excited to be staying with Grandma and Grandpa and they have lots of fun things planned. We tucked them into bed and were going to leave when we heard crying from the bedroom. It was Parker saying "I want mama and daddy." This is rare for him and so it my made me feel sad. We went in and gave them both another hug and kiss and then my mom told us to go and she would stay in the room until they were asleep. So, why when I think I need and a break and even look forward to one, do I find myself already missing my little kiddos and wishing they were here? Isn't it ironic? Have you ever felt like this? I know they will have a blast with my parents and things will be fine....maybe I'll feel better in the morning :)


A said...

How cute is Parker! You know the kids will have SOOO much fun with your parents, as they always do, when you leave them. So, don't feel bad! This is a well needed and well deserved trip for you and Brandon. Relax, have fun and enjoy a stress free and kid free week! Your parents will take great care of them!!! And as far as ever feeling like that.... I wouldn't know.. never left Ellie! How pathetic! I need to leave her!!
love ya

Emily said...

Cute story Steph. Enjoy Vegas. hope you see some good shows and eat really good food. Once you're gone, you'll be so glad to have your time alone. Can't wait to see pics and hear all the details.

The Mecham Family said...

I totally understand! Hopefully by today you are feeling much better and having a great time in Vegas! woohoo!!

Jorg Family said...

So I usually get neighborhood updates from Jenny, but I'm excited I ran into your blog and can read what's going on in your life! Have a great time in Vegas and keep in touch! Our blog is!

Ashley Jorgensen