Monday, April 28, 2008

Kamree's Sugery

Today was the "big" day for Kamree. She went to Primary Children's for dermabrasion on her scar. Last night we were at my parents house because they were watching Parker for the night. He was so worried for Kamree. He has been mentioning her and her surgery in his prayers for the last 2 weeks. He is so sweet about it and just wants her to be okay. Brandon, my dad and my brother Trevor gave Kamree a priesthood blessing last night and she was so excited to get it. She sat so still and so reverent and didn't want us to touch her head to "mess up" where they put the oil. Without any prompting , about 5 minutes after the blessing she went up to my brother and gave him a big hug and thanked him for giving her a blessing. It was so neat to see that she knew something special had happened even though she doesn't fully understand it. The surgery went well and the doctor was pleased. Kamree was so brave...she has been every time. She just goes with the flow and doesn't seem scared at all. The doctor mentioned this several times. He is not known for his beside manner but he has definitely formed a bond with Kamree. Today he said "she is so cute , I want to keep her". He is a very skilled surgeon and we know she is in good hands. As for Primary Children's, I cannot say enough about this amazing place. We feel blessed to live so close by. Kamree getting checked in and ready

The nurse gave Kamree this doll to draw on and put an I.V in so she
would know what to expect when they gave her the I.V.
Riding in the wagon with her new doll to the Operating room.
She really liked this part.
Coming out of anesthesia was a little rough. All she wanted to do was
touch her face. She knew she couldn't and even asked me if I could rub
or scratch her face for her. She also had a melt down when she had to
change out of the hospital clothes and into her own. She wanted to keep
those clothes and was so upset when she couldn't.

Our happy little girl right before bed tonight. Through this whole process she has
kept her happy spirit! She is such a sweet example to us. We love you Kamree!!!

I will keep updating posts with her progress. We go back to the doctor in 3 weeks for a check up. Until then, she needs to stay out of the sun and we have to keep vaseline on the area. Wish us luck!


A said...

I am so happy everything went well with Kamree's surgery. She really is such a sweet lil girl. Her and Parker were SO good on Friday. Ellie was a stinker... You are such a good mom to raise such well behaved and smart lil kids. Primary Childrens is AMAZING... look at all those cute things they have for the children. It's amazing to look back a few years ago and see how far Kamree has progressed.

Jill said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that little girl! It was funny to see her a little 'wacky' from the medicine. What a sweet little girl she is.

The Mecham Family said...

Kamree is amazing! You have a great family and I can always feel the love between your children and the rest of your family whenever you talk about them! i'm so glad all went well!!

Katie said...

I am glad the surgery went well! We saw this on Jill's blog and asked her to wish you well. When she is feeling up to it, let's introduce the kids and let them play!

Kim said...

Steph---I'm so glad that the surgery went well...what a cute and amazing family you guys are. Kamree is seriously the cutiest thing!!! Primary Childrens seems awesome...I have only had experiences there with older kids--but this looks so cool how well they make the kids "enjoy" the experiences.

Jorg Family said...

Steph, she's darling. What a brave little girl! Glad all is well.


Anne said...

Kamree is such a trooper. I am just amazed at how welll she deals with it all in light of what could be a traumatic situation. That says a lot about her wonderful parents.

I saw her today at church, she looks so great! Hopefully that means everything is healing well.

The Mecham Family said...

How's Kamree doing now?

Stacey said...

Update your blog honey-buns!