Monday, November 3, 2008

Kamree is three!

Kamree turned 3 on October 18th! She celebrated by having a princess birthday party with her favorite friends. The highlight of the party was having the "real" Cinderella come.

Kamree had such an amazing time at her party and kept talking about it for days. The girls all came wearing princess dress-up. When her friends first came, they decorated pink princess crowns for the girls and blue hats for the boys. She didn't know that Cinderella was coming and she was so surprised when she knocked on the door. Cinerella played games, told stories, sang "happy birthday" and took pictures. Most of the girls were a little afraid of her but not Kamree. Everywhere she went Kamree had to be right by her side. When she left Kamree asked me if she was riding a carriage or flying a plane back to her castle. We ate cupcakes with pink frosting and little Cinderellas on them and then opened presents. It was so much fun for her and I was so thankful my mom and sister were there to help out. I couldn't have done it without them. Although very fun, parties are a lot of work! Very worth it though. Later that night we let Kamree choose where to go to dinner and we ended up at Winger's. She had a very fun birthday! I asked Kamree to tell me about some of her favorite things at age 3 so here goes:
Favorite food: Spaghetti and vanilla ice cream
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite book: A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon
Favorite t.v shows: Little Einstein and Curious George
Favorite Movie: One guess...Cinderella of course!
Favorite Animal: Penguin
Favorite Song: I Am A Child Of God and Popcorn Popping
Favorite things to do: Dance, twirl, sing, dress-up in Cinderella dress-up and play with Parker

I can't believe that Kamree is three. She has grown up so much the past few months. She is a very lovey and cuddly girl and always has a kiss or hug ready to give. She is also ready to give you a compliment or quick to say "I love you". As you can tell she loves princesses and is always singing and dancing around the house. She really does love Parker and looks up to him a lot. She has been through a lot with her mole getting removed and her surgeries and has handled it all so amazingly. I think Heavenly Father knew that she had the Spirit and personality that could handle this obstacle. She constantly amazes us and keeps us laughing and on our toes. Kamree, we love you so much and are so grateful and happy you are a part of our eternal family!


Cory and Becca said...

SIMPLY ADORABLE!!-(what more is there to say?)

The Mecham Family said...

She is too cute! I love that you had Cinderella come!

Jill said...

Love, love, love her!!!

Katie said...

What a fun party! She is so cute!

Erika said...

That looks like SO much fun! I can't wait til Bekah can enjoy parties like that!